//OpenStreetMap and contributors CC-BY-SA -'; } else if (map.getMapTypeId() == 'forumaps') { copyrightControl.innerHTML = 'Map data © 4UMaps.eu and contributors CC-BY-SA -and OpenStreetMap'; } else if (map.getMapTypeId() == 'osmtopo' ) { copyrightControl.innerHTML = 'Kartendaten: © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende, SRTM | Kartendarstellung: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)'; } else if (map.getMapTypeId() == 'thuoutdoor') { copyrightControl.innerHTML = 'Map data © Thunderforest and contributors CC-BY-SA -and OpenStreetMap'; } else if (map.getMapTypeId() == 'reitwander') { copyrightControl.innerHTML = 'Map data © Nops Reit-Wanderkarte Daten OpenStreetMap DEM CIAT'; } else if (map.getMapTypeId() == 'see') { copyrightControl.innerHTML = 'Map data © OpenSeaMap and contributors CC-BY-SA -and OpenStreetMap'; } else { copyrightControl.innerHTML = ''; } if (map.getMapTypeId() == 'hikesymbol'){ map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(0, hikingSymbolsMapType); //map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(1, reliefMapType); } else if (map.getMapTypeId() == 'osmradovl'){ map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(0, osmmapnik); map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(1, radovl); } else { map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(0, null); map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(1, null); } }); //alt chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div')); //neu rein ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var bginit = document.getElementById("mapbginit"); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT].push(bginit); bginit.style.display = "block"; //sichtbar machen chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById('chart_div')); geocoderService = new google.maps.Geocoder(); elevationService = new google.maps.ElevationService(); directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = total + " km"; google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) { addMarker(event.latLng, true); }); google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'onmouseover', function(e) { if (mousemarker == null) { mousemarker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: elevations[e.row].location, map: map, icon: "https://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/icons/green-dot.png" }); } else { mousemarker.setPosition(elevations[e.row].location); } }); } function plotPoly() { if (polyline) { polyline.setMap(null); } polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: zwipoly, strokeColor: "#000000", map: map}); } // Takes an array of ElevationResult objects, draws the path on the map // and plots the elevation profile on a GViz ColumnChart // und speichert die wegpunkte mit hoehen in arrays fuer die gpx-dateiausgabe function plotElevation(results) { if (polyline) { polyline.setMap(null); } polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: zwipoly, strokeColor: "#000000", map: map}); elevations = results; /////neu rein////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var totalLength = Math.floor(polyline.inKm()*10)/10; if (totalLength < 1) { totalLength = Math.floor(polyline.inKm()*1000)/1000; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //neu//// var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('number', 'Distance'); data.addColumn('number', 'Elevation'); data.addColumn({type: 'string', role: 'tooltip'}); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { x = Math.round(1000*totalLength * i/SAMPLES)/1000; y = Math.round(elevations[i].elevation*10)/10; data.addRow([x,y, y + " m Hoehe bei km " + Math.round(x*100)/100]); } anzProfil(); document.getElementById('chart_div').style.display = 'block'; chart.draw(data, { //width: 512, legend: 'none', titleY: 'Hoehe (m)', titleX: 'Streckenlaenge gesamt: ' + totalLength + ' km', pointSize: 2, focusBorderColor: '#00ff00' }); } // Remove the green rollover marker when the mouse leaves the chart function clearMouseMarker() { if (mousemarker != null) { mousemarker.setMap(null); mousemarker = null; } } // Geocode an address and add a marker for the result function addAddress() { var address = document.getElementById("address").value; wpadr = address; var muster = /^[0-9 \.,]+$/; //pruefen auf LAT/Long Eingabe =numerische Werte,Leerzeichen,Komma und Punkt darf vorkommen var matches = address.match(muster); // bei Koordinaten wird der exakt Koordinatenwert angezeigt, nicht der routingf�hige!!! if (matches) { codeLatLng(); //genaue LAT/Long Anzeige ueber Marker } else //normale Ermittlung Ort / Adresse ueber Geocoder { geocoderService.geocode({ 'address': address }, function(results, status) { document.getElementById('address').value = ""; if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { var latlng = results[0].geometry.location; addMarker(latlng, true); if (markers.length > 1) { var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); for (var i in markers) { bounds.extend(markers[i].getPosition()); } map.fitBounds(bounds); } else { map.fitBounds(results[0].geometry.viewport); } } else if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS) { alert("Addresse nicht gefunden"); } else { alert("Address-Suche fehlgeschlagen"); } }) } } function codeLatLng() { var input = document.getElementById("address").value; document.getElementById('address').value = ""; var latlngStr = input.split(',', 2); var lat = parseFloat(latlngStr[0]); var lng = parseFloat(latlngStr[1]); var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); clk = clk + 1; geocoderService.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { if (results[1]) { addMarker(latlng, true); if (markers.length > 1) { var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); for (var i in markers) { bounds.extend(markers[i].getPosition()); } map.fitBounds(bounds); } else { map.fitBounds(results[1].geometry.viewport); } } else { alert('Nichts gefunden'); } } else { alert('Fehler Geocoder: ' + status); } }); } // Add a marker and trigger recalculation of the path and elevation function addMarker(latlng, doQuery) { if(cio == 1) {var free = 99999;} if(cio == 0) {var free = 4;} clk = clk +1; if (clk < free) { var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latlng, map: map, icon: image, shadow: shadow, //idividueller Marker draggable: true }) google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function(e) { updateElevation(); ///////////////////////////////////// // Finden des verschobenen Markers zum Einstellen der neuen Adresse in das Adress-Array for (var n = 0, o; o = markers[n]; n++) { if (o == marker) { var lastmarker = markers[n].getPosition(); codeLatLon(lastmarker,n) //Einstellen in das Array } } ///////////////////////////////////////// }); // Click listener zum Loeschen eines Markers google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { // Finden des zu loeschenden Markers, loeschen von der Karte clk = clk -2; for (var n = 0, o; o = markers[n]; n++) { if (o == marker) { marker.setMap(null); // auch aus dem Marker-Array loeschen und dem Adress-Array markers.splice(n, 1); adrArray.splice(n, 1); if(markers.length < 2) { reset(); } else { updateElevation(); } } } }); ///////ende vollstaendiges loeschen marker etc markers.push(marker); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Adresse des letzen markers in adrArray einstellen var lastmarker = markers[markers.length - 1].getPosition(); var adrposit = markers.length - 1; if (adrposit < 25) //max 25 Marker sind erlaubt, wichtig hier abfangen, wird auch in calcroute abgefangen { codeLatLon(lastmarker,adrposit) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (doQuery) { updateElevation(); } if (markers.length == 100) { document.getElementById('address').disabled = true; } } else { alert("Bitte aktivieren Sie ihre Codes!\n\nIn der Testversion(ohne aktivierte Codes)sind max. 3 Routenpunkte möglich.\nBitte beantragen Sie ggfs. Download-Code und ID für volle Funktionalität."); } } // Trigger the elevation query for point to point // or submit a directions request for the path between points function updateElevation() { if (markers.length > 1) { var travelMode = document.getElementById("mode").value; var noautobahn = false; if (travelMode == 'driving' || travelMode == 'bicycling' || travelMode == 'walking') { calcRoute(travelMode,noautobahn); } if (travelMode == 'pkwnoab') { travelMode = 'driving'; noautobahn = true; calcRoute(travelMode,noautobahn); } if (travelMode == 'direct') { var latlngs = []; for (var i in markers) { latlngs.push(markers[i].getPosition()) // alert(latlngs[i]); //funktioniert, der Direktmodus ist aus dem Auswahlmenue entfernt, nur Auto und Fussgaenger drin } elevationService.getElevationAlongPath({ path: latlngs, samples: SAMPLES }, plotElevation); } } } // Submit a directions request for the path between points and an // elevation request for the path once returned function calcRoute(travelMode, noautobahn) { var origin = markers[0].getPosition(); var destination = markers[markers.length - 1].getPosition(); var waypoints = []; for (var i = 1; i < markers.length - 1; i++) { waypoints.push({ location: markers[i].getPosition(), stopover: true }); } var request = { origin: origin, destination: destination, avoidHighways: noautobahn, waypoints: waypoints }; switch (travelMode) { case "bicycling": request.travelMode = google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.BICYCLING; bikeLayer.setMap(map); break; case "driving": request.travelMode = google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING; bikeLayer.setMap(null); break; case "walking": request.travelMode = google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.WALKING; bikeLayer.setMap(null); break; } directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) { if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { // Routine zum Zischenspeichern aller ermittelten Lat-Long der Strecke in ein Array pointsArray = response.routes[0].overview_path; zwipoly = response.routes[0].overview_path; // Routine zur Ermittlung der Laenge der Strecke in km myroute = response.routes[0]; total = 0; for (i = 0; i < myroute.legs.length; i++) { total += myroute.legs[i].distance.value; } total1 = total / 1000; document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = total1 + " km"; // ende Laenge Strecke plotPoly(); //statt plotElevation //////////////////////plot elevation raus///////////////////////////// // elevationService.getElevationAlongPath( // {path: response.routes[0].overview_path, // samples: SAMPLES // }, plotElevation); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.ZERO_RESULTS) { alert("Zwischen diesen Punkten ist keine Route zu ermitteln"); } else if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.MAX_WAYPOINTS_EXCEEDED) { alert("Google-Maps stellt max. 25 Routen-Punkte\nzur Verfügung.\nDieses Limit ist jetzt erreicht.\nBitte lesen Sie in den Bedienerhinweisen,\nwie man ggfs. das Problem umgehen kann."); } else if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) { alert("Das Tages-Limit für automatisches Routing ist aktuell überschritten.\nAb Morgen, 9.00 Uhr, ist die Routenplanung wieder freigeschaltet."); } else { alert("Allgemeiner Fehler. Routing kann nicht durchgeführt werden"); } }); } // end calcroute /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function gpxhoehe() { arrayhoehe = []; //Hoehe auf Grundstellung // Create a LocationElevationRequest object using the array's one value var positionalRequest = { 'locations': zwipoly } // Initiate the location request elevationService.getElevationForLocations(positionalRequest, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.ElevationStatus.OK) { //alert("Hoehe geliefert"); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var hoehe2 = results[i].elevation.toFixed(2); arrayhoehe.push(hoehe2); } } }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function co(){ var Urtext=fco; var code=""; var Stelle, StelleS, Summe; var SPosition = 0; while (s.length < Urtext.length) { s = s + s; } for (i=0; i < Urtext.length ; i++ ) { Stelle = a.indexOf(Urtext.charAt(i)); StelleS = a.indexOf(s.charAt(i)); if ((Stelle > -1)&& (StelleS > -1)){ Summe = Stelle + StelleS; if (Summe >= a.length) { Summe = Summe - a.length; } code = code + a.charAt(Summe);} else { code = code + "_"; } } eco = 0; var jetzt = new Date(); monat = jetzt.getMonth(); jahr = jetzt.getFullYear(); if(jahr == 2024) { if(monat == 0) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "AEGKOö" || code == "ÜEDMUÜ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 1) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "AEGKOö" || code == "+_ENQ+") eco = 1; } if(monat == 2) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "AEGKOö" || code == "Ä_HMQÖ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 3) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "Ä*DKR*" || code == "AD_NMÄ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 4) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "Ä*DKR*" || code == "*ÖDNUü") eco = 1; } if(monat == 5) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "Ä*DKR*" || code == "öEHKQ+") eco = 1; } if(monat == 6) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "öÖBFOä" || code == "*DIGNÄ" || code == "Ü_IKQö") eco = 1; } if(monat == 7) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "öÖBFOä" || code == "*DIGNÄ" || code == "ÜEHGNÄ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 8) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "öÖBFOä" || code == "*DIGNÄ" || code == "üE_NMö") eco = 1; } if(monat == 9) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "öÖBFOä" || code == "öDHGT*" || code == "ÖBHGN_") eco = 1; } if(monat == 10) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "öÖBFOä" || code == "öDHGT*" || code == "öBGGQ+") eco = 1; } if(monat == 11) { if(code == "ä+DLTä" || code == "öÖBFOä" || code == "öDHGT*" || code == "ü+EJR_") eco = 1; } } if(jahr == 2023) { if(monat == 0) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "AEGKOö" || code == "ÜEDMUÜ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 1) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "AEGKOö" || code == "üAHGR_") eco = 1; } if(monat == 2) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "AEGKOö" || code == "ÜDEGPÄ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 3) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "Ä*DKR*" || code == "ü_ILNö") eco = 1; } if(monat == 4) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "Ä*DKR*" || code == "öDBKNÄ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 5) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü_FNMä" || code == "Ä*DKR*" || code == "üAFHPö") eco = 1; } if(monat == 6) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü+DJT_" || code == "_CFKPÄ" || code == "Ü_IKQö") eco = 1; } if(monat == 7) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü+DJT_" || code == "_CFKPÄ" || code == "ÜEHGNÄ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 8) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü+DJT_" || code == "_CFKPÄ" || code == "üBHKNÖ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 9) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü+DJT_" || code == "öÜCJQÜ" || code == "ÖBHGN_") eco = 1; } if(monat == 10) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü+DJT_" || code == "öÜCJQÜ" || code == "öBGGQ+") eco = 1; } if(monat == 11) { if(code == "ÄÜAHNÄ" || code == "ü+DJT_" || code == "öÜCJQÜ" || code == "ü+EJR_") eco = 1; } } if(jahr == 2022) { if(monat == 0) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "ü_EILÖ" || code == "**DOTÜ" || code == "ÖÖEJTä ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 1) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "ü_EILÖ" || code == "**DOTÜ" || code == "ÖC_HM*") eco = 1; } if(monat == 2) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "ü_EILÖ" || code == "**DOTÜ" || code == "A*ELQÖ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 3) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "ü_EILÖ" || code == "*EHOUü" || code == "_+ALMÖ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 4) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "ü_EILÖ" || code == "*EHOUü" || code == "A+IKPA") eco = 1; } if(monat == 5) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "ü_EILÖ" || code == "*EHOUü" || code == "ÄDCFUü") eco = 1; } if(monat == 6) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "_EGKMA" || code == "*DHON*" || code == "ÖAILQA") eco = 1; } if(monat == 7) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "_EGKMA" || code == "*DHON*" || code == "AD_IQ*") eco = 1; } if(monat == 8) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "_EGKMA" || code == "*DHON*" || code == "ÜBELQÄ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 9) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "_EGKMA" || code == "üE_NTä" || code == "ÄAAFUÖ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 10) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "_EGKMA" || code == "üE_NTä" || code == "ÄÖBNMÜ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 11) { if(code == "Ä*FLUA" || code == "_EGKMA" || code == "üE_NTä" || code == "**ALSÄ") eco = 1; } } if(jahr == 2021) { if(monat == 0) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "ü_DNU+" || code == "öDHGT_" || code == "üEAIMü") eco = 1; } if(monat == 1) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "ü_DNU+" || code == "öDHGT_" || code == "ÄEFNMü") eco = 1; } if(monat == 2) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "ü_DNU+" || code == "öDHGT_" || code == "ÖAAGSA") eco = 1; } if(monat == 3) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "ü_DNU+" || code == "++CKMö" || code == "ÜÜHIP*") eco = 1; } if(monat == 4) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "ü_DNU+" || code == "++CKMö" || code == "+ÜCOP*") eco = 1; } if(monat == 5) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "ü_DNU+" || code == "++CKMö" || code == "*+ENOÖ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 6) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "+_HKMü" || code == "Ä*EJS+" || code == "_+FKUö") eco = 1; } if(monat == 7) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "+_HKMü" || code == "Ä*EJS+" || code == "ADAINÜ") eco = 1; } if(monat == 8) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "+_HKMü" || code == "Ä*EJS+" || code == "ÄEHGP*") eco = 1; } if(monat == 9) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "+_HKMü" || code == "ü*AMTA" || code == "öÜHIQü") eco = 1; } if(monat == 10) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "+_HKMü" || code == "ü*AMTA" || code == "*EAJRA") eco = 1; } if(monat == 11) { if(code == "ACEINö" || code == "+_HKMü" || code == "ü*AMTA" || code == "Ä*FNP+") eco = 1; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function gpxhoehexxx() { // wird nicht benoetigt, siehe plotElevation var pathRequest = { 'path': pointsArray, 'samples': 256 } // Initialisieren des location request alongpath elevationService.getElevationAlongPath(pathRequest, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.ElevationStatus.OK) { elevations = results; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { arrayhoehe.push(elevations[i].elevation); } } }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getFile(name) { var start = document.cookie.indexOf( name + "=" ); var len = start + name.length + 1; if ( ( !start ) && ( name != document.cookie.substring( 0, name.length ) ) ) { return null; } if ( start == -1 ) return null; var end = document.cookie.indexOf( ";", len ); if ( end == -1 ) end = document.cookie.length; return unescape( document.cookie.substring( len, end ) ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // geocode ermitteln aus der Adresseingabe, Return Key betaetigt function addressKeyHandler(e) { var keycode; if (window.event) { keycode = window.event.keyCode; } else if (e) { keycode = e.which; } else { return true; } if (keycode == 13) { addAddress(); return false; } else { return true; } } // loeschen aller overlays, reset des arrays wegpunkte, chart loeschen function reset() { total = 0; total1 = 0; hoezae = 0; clk = 0; if (polyline) { polyline.setMap(null); } for (var i in markers) { markers[i].setMap(null); } markers = []; pointsArray = []; //wegpunkte fuer GPX-Datei loeschen arrayhoehe = []; //Elevation löschen adrArray = []; document.getElementById('chart_div').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = total1 + " km"; document.getElementById("infochart").innerHTML = " "; } function prf() { var strok = getFile("Rtbl"); if(strok != "ok") { strok = "no"; } return strok; } function prf1() { var strok = getFile("Rtbc"); return strok; } function anzProfil() { var infochart = document.getElementById('infochart'); if (chart_div) { infochart.innerHTML ="Bedienerhinweis Hoehenprofil:
" + "Maus knapp unterhalb/oberhalb der Hoehenlinie bewegen = km-Stand mit Hoehenanzeige sowie mitlaufender gruener Marker auf der Strecke

" ; } } function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires; } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i'; } html += '

' ; fenster = window.open(); //inhalt von der konstante html in neues fenster schreiben zum strg-copy fenster.document.write(html); } //end function gpxdaten1alt function gpxdatentest1() { //var html = 'Anfang' +'\n'; // Dies dient zum Auslesen der Lat/Lon Koordinaten aus einem Marker-Array var html = '

'; for (var i in markers) { lat6 = markers[i].position.lat(); lat6 = lat6.toFixed(6); lon6 = markers[i].position.lng(); lon6 = lon6.toFixed(6); html += 'lat: ' + lat6 + ' lon: ' + lon6 + '
'; } html += '

' ; fenster = window.open(); //inhalt von der konstante html in neues fenster schreiben zum strg-copy fenster.document.write(html); } //end function ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Testroutine zum Anzeigen des Adress-Arrays nicht aktiv function showadr() { for (var i in adrArray) { alert(adrArray[i]); } } ///////////////////alt, Geocodierung mit automatischem Adressenholen für jeden WP, aus kostengründen nicht mehr aktiv/////////////////////////// function codeLatLonold(latlng,adrposit) { if(cio == 1) { if (document.getElementById("imarkeradr").checked) { geocoderService.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { if (results[0]) { adrArray[adrposit] = (results[0].formatted_address); } else { adrArray[adrposit] = 'keine Adresse gefunden' ; } } else { adrArray[adrposit] = 'Fehler Geocoder' + status ; } }); } } } function codeLatLon(latlng,adrposit) { if(wpadr > " ") { adrArray[adrposit] = wpadr; //Wenn eine Adresse eingegeben wurde, wird diese aus dem Eingabefeld übernommen ohne Geokodierung wpadr = " "; } else { lat6 = markers[adrposit].position.lat(); lat6 = lat6.toFixed(6); lon6 = markers[adrposit].position.lng(); lon6 = lon6.toFixed(6); adrArray[adrposit] = "Klick " +lat6 + " " + lon6; //Wenn nur geklickt wurde, wird keine Geocodierung der Adresse vorgenommen } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Höhe holen und Elevation-Chart ausgeben aus Kostengründen nur 1x pro Routenplanung function anzprof() { if (pointsArray.length < 2 ) { alert('Hinweis:\n\nEs existiert noch keine Route!'); } else if(cio == 0 && hoezae > 0) {alert("Ohne aktivierte Codes kann nur 1 Höhenprofil/Höhendaten angefordert werden.\n\nSie können die Codes bei mir anfordern.");} else { zhoezae = hoezae +1 if(zhoezae == 1) {infotext = "Aktueller Hinweis:\nDies ist die 1. Höhenanforderung.";} if(zhoezae == 2) {infotext = "Aktueller Hinweis:\nDies ist die 2. Höhenanforderung.";} if(zhoezae == 3) {infotext = "Aktueller Hinweis:\nDies ist die 3. Höhenanforderung";} if(zhoezae == 4) {infotext = "Aktueller Hinweis:\nDies ist die 4. Höhenanforderung, spätestens jetzt sollte der Download erfolgen!\nAnsonsten fehlen die Höhenwerte in der GPX-Datei!\nOder brechen Sie ab und heben sich die 4. Anforderung bis zum Download auf.";} if(zhoezae > 4) {infotext = "Aktueller Hinweis:\nKeine Höhenanforderungen mehr erlaubt! Höheneinträge in die GPX-Datei sind nicht mehr möglich!";} var r = confirm("Zur Höhenübernahme in die GPX-Datei ist zwingend direkt vor dem Download eine Höhenanforderung zu starten!\nPro Routenplanung sind max. 4 Höhenanforderungen möglich.\n\n" + infotext +"\n\nGgfs. können Sie diesen Vorgang abbrechen."); if (r == true) { hoezae = hoezae +1 if(hoezae <5) { gpxhoehe(); elevationService.getElevationAlongPath( {path: zwipoly, samples: SAMPLES }, plotElevation); } } } } function chk() { fco = document.dlcode.ndlc.value; userid = document.dlcode.nid.value; co(); if(eco == 0) { alert("Bitte gültigen Download-Code eingeben!\nBitte ggfs. Code bei mir anfordern.\n\nOhne gültige Codes ist der Routenplaner im Testmodus,\nohne Download, nur 1x Höhendaten, mit eingeschränkter Klickzahl."); document.dlcode.ndlc.focus(); return false; } if(document.dlcode.nid.value < 350 || document.dlcode.nid.value > 499) { alert("Bitte geben Sie hier ihre ID ein!\nDiese erhalten Sie zusammen mit dem Download-Code.\n\nOhne gültige Codes ist der Routenplaner im Testmodus,\nohne Download, nur 1x Höhendaten, mit eingeschränkter Klickzahl."); document.dlcode.nid.focus(); return false; } if(eco == 1 && (document.dlcode.nid.value > 349 && document.dlcode.nid.value < 500) ) { alert("Die Codes sind jetzt aktiviert!\nDie volle Funktionalität steht nun zur Verfügung."); cio = 1; setCookie("userid", userid, 365); setCookie("usercode", fco, 365); return false; } } function chkdl() { fco = document.dlcode.ndlc.value; userid = document.dlcode.nid.value; co(); if(eco == 0) { alert("Der angezeigte Download-Code nicht gültig!\nBitte deshalb neuen Code bei mir anfordern.\n"); document.dlcode.ndlc.focus(); return false; } if(document.dlcode.nid.value < 350 || document.dlcode.nid.value > 499) { alert("Bitte geben Sie hier ihre ID ein!\nDiese erhalten Sie zusammen mit dem Download-Code."); document.dlcode.nid.focus(); return false; } if(eco == 1 && (document.dlcode.nid.value > 349 && document.dlcode.nid.value < 500) ) { cio = 1; setCookie("userid", userid, 365); setCookie("usercode", fco, 365); gpxdaten(); return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Routine fuer GPX-Ausgabe function gpxdaten() { //alert(arrayhoehe.length); //alert(pointsArray.length); var ok =''; ////Anmeldezwang wird ausgeschaltet //var user1=getCookie("gpxmail"); //var user2=getCookie("gpxhash"); // if (user1 != "" && user2 != "") //{ //ist die Anmeldung aktiv if (pointsArray.length < 2 ) { alert('Hinweis:\n\nVor dem Download muss zuerst eine Route \nin der Karte erstellt werden.'); html = ' '; htmlr = ' '; ok = ' '; document.getElementById('versteckt').value=html; document.getElementById('versteckt1').value=htmlr; document.getElementById('versteckt2').value=ok; } else if(cio == 1) { // string bilden mit den gpxdaten document.getElementById('izid').value= document.dlcode.nid.value; finame=prompt(" Bitte hier den Dateinamen -ohne Zusatz .gpx- eingeben",""); if (finame == '') { finame = 'Strecke' } ok = 'ok'; var zaepoint = 1; var html = '<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'; var htmlr = '<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'; html += '' + '' + wpname + '' + '' + wpname + '' + '\n'; //wegpunkte auch in Route einfuegen // htmlr += '' + '' + wpname + '' + '' + wpname + '' + '\n'; } html += '\n'; htmlr += '\n'; html += '' + finame + '\n'; htmlr += '' + finame + '\n'; html += ' \n'; var shoe = 0; for (var i in pointsArray) { var slat = pointsArray[i].lat(); var slng = pointsArray[i].lng(); if(arrayhoehe.length == pointsArray.length) {shoe = arrayhoehe[i];} html += ' ' + '' + shoe + ''; html += ' \n'; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Diese Routine diente zur Ausgabe aller berechneten Trackpunkte als Routenpunkte // Das ist jetzt deaktiviert, es werden nun nur noch die geklickten Wegpunkte (max. 10 Stueck) ausgegeben // // //htmlr += ' '; // htmlr += ' ' + '' + shoe + ''; // htmlr += ' Point' + zaepoint ; // htmlr += ' \n'; // zaepoint = zaepoint + 1; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // Routenausgabe der maximal 10 Zwischenziele fuer ein Navigationsfähiges Auto-Navi for (var i in markers) { lat6 = markers[i].position.lat(); lat6 = lat6.toFixed(6); lon6 = markers[i].position.lng(); lon6 = lon6.toFixed(6); wpname = adrArray[i]; htmlr += ' '; htmlr += ' ' + wpname ; htmlr += ' \n'; } html += ' \n'; html += '\n'; htmlr += '\n'; html += '\n'; htmlr += '\n'; document.getElementById('versteckt').value=html; document.getElementById('versteckt1').value=htmlr; document.getElementById('versteckt2').value=ok; document.getElementById('versteckt3a').value=finame; } // end else gpxausgabe //} //end Anmeldung vorhanden Anmeldezwang ausgeschaltet //else //keine Anmeldung // { // alert ("Bitte melden Sie sich erst an, bevor Sie eine geplante Route herunterladen."); // } } //end gpxdaten ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //]]>